Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

Commands for Corporate Domain Compromise

Once inside a network, attackers disguise themselves as normal,authenticated users. This ensures they won’t be detected during any reconnaissance or lateral movement activities. Once completed, they return  information about any and all resources inside, including: users, servers,  applications, identities, and naming conventions. With this information,  attackers then assemble their plan to move laterally and ultimately steal  data, encrypt computers, or sabotage the organization.

Fundamental Reconnaissance

whoamiTells us which user we are authenticated as
gpresultGives us the effective userpermissions and the grouppolicies enabled of the account
nltest /dclist:domain.demoLists all Domain Controllers
[System.DirectoryServices. ActiveDirectory  Forest]::GetCurrent Forest(). Sites | select Name, SubnetsShows us the Subnets of the  network

Servers, Computers & Applications Reconnaissance

net group "domain computers" /domainGives us a full list of all the workstations and servers joined to the domain
([adsisearcher]”(&(objectClass= Computer)(name=**))”).FindAll ().propertiesGiv es us all attribut es associated with a particular computer
([adsisearcher]”(&(objectClass =Computer)(servicePrincipal Name=*X*))”).FindAll()Enumerates all of the computers and servers in the domain that are running X application (dfs, MSSQL)

Identities, Credentials & Privileged Users Reconnaissance

net group "domain admins" /domainGives us a list of the designated administrators joined to the domain
([adsisearcher]”(&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=User)(admincount=1))”). FindAll()Filters for all privileged accounts
([adsisearcher]”(&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=User)(name=**))”).FindAll().propertiesGives usa ll attributes associated with a particular user
[adsisearcher]”(&(objectClass=User)(primarygroupid=513(servicePrincipalName=*))”).FindAll() | ForEach-Object{ "Name: $($_.properties.name)""SPN:$($_.properties.serviceprincipalname)""Path: $($_.Path)"""}Enumerates all of the crackable service accounts

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